Saturday 22 September 2007

Prince Narcissist

What a beautiful day!

Ha! Watching Debbie Harry singing Maria and some old footage of her on You Tube. My god! I was born in the wrong era. If I had been around in the punk era I would have gone straight over to New York and hooked up with her. She could have fed me strawberries and cream whilst I lounged around showing people magic tricks.

I have to finally admit that I have a personality best suited for rock stardom. I can't look after myself really. Plus I'm so narcissistic and egocentric that I think everything revolves around me. It's a strangely sweet form of solipsism. And I like to do things with my voice and guitar on record that most people wouldn't dare in a million years. So gather round my little syphilitic sycophants. I need your love and approval. Even stupid things like washing up and cooking my own food always seems to end up in chaos cos I just can't get my brain round to thinking in that particular dull manner. Fantasy is far more intriguing to me. What a sucker.

Tunes and anti-tunes get me going. That part on Maria when she first goes to the chorus and smiles that sly little smile. Oh god. It's better than most of the sex I've ever had.

Also, I can't stand to do the whole normal 'dating' thing. So dreary. I like to flirt and take the piss. The only way I can get through the day. Otherwise... well let's just say that Dunblane and Oklahoma would have nothing on me.

So fund me, fuck me, fun me. I am the real deal. Narcissistic and so shallow. Ha ha ha.

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