Sunday 9 September 2007

An entrance of kinds...

Bleaching my skin, tanning my hair.

Everything tastes familiar when I am not there.

This is the first blog entry. Just a tester. A taster. See what there is around here. If anything. An introduction is not necessary just a random assortment of words. Stroke your pot belly adolescence and commute into this life.

There will be observations, despairs, hilarities, insults, degradations, anorexic witterings, laughters, irritations, mood swings and a general sense of imbecile alienation. Emotional outpourings. All of the things that you love to discard.

Treat this like acidic contempt for mass suicide culling of humanity.

Obsolescence is never as pretty as this my sexually repressed dearies. My humanity repressed dearies. Bring an ice pick and deformed workers state.

Stay tuned.

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