Wednesday 19 September 2007

Grindhouse Deathproof Flatulence

Quentin Tarantino has done it again. Yes he's succeeded in making high-maintenance women appear even more nauseating and pathologically dull than they really are. Brain dead Americana once again.

It's a trend that every dumb cunt with no ideas of their own succumbs to. The whole world's a party, an illegal substance, a brainless oaf of a man, anti-excitement. All this is clearly apparent in the lowest common denominator or Grindhouse / Deathproof by Tarantino.

You can't be cool just by the way you look. It has to be worded into your soul. And none of his characters have any soul. By making the most important thing / taboo in the world as relationships renders the human race a complete cripple of an entity. Yet that is all that is pushed on every TV station, movie theatre etc etc over the whole shitty world. Mating rituals of the emotionally decrepit human. An extinction. Fucking fucking fucking. A sperm pool in a sack of shit.

Wouldn't it be interesting to discover that ancient civilisations had far more advanced technology than we have had for centuries? And that Genesis is just one documentary of The Shining Ones exploring Sumer in c. 4000 B.C. The One God myth proliferates though pointlessly. And the Christian fundamentalists take cheque after cheque, debit after debit of the First and Third World needy earnings. The poor are fleeced over and over again. The rich have idiot proof deception techniques to ensure the common herd remains docile and apathetic whilst their entire lives are reduced to a one inch box.


Entertainment will make your blues go away.

The only reason people watch the film: Kurt Russell in his menopausal stage, Jordan Ladd combining the acting skills of a dead person and a frisbee, and Vanessa Ferlito's oversized collagen lips.

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